Commercial Driver Training
Proper training is criticalDLH Associates specializes in commercial driver training, including behind the wheel and classroom, curriculum, course design, course certifications and accreditation, and student evaluation and assessment. Don has 25+ years’ experience in training drivers, authoring classroom and range material, designing and administering training courses and programs, and visiting and evaluating well over 100 commercial driving schools to determine eligibility for Professional Truck Driver Institute course certification.
Proper Commercial driver training is critical in preparing safety-conscious and well-prepared drivers. Many are surprised to learn that there are very few state regulations requiring any training whatsoever for new/entry-level drivers, and the recently passed federal rule contains no required minimum number of hours for the knowledge or behind-the-wheel portions of any of the individual training curricula, but training providers must determine that each CDL applicant demonstrates proficiency in all required elements of the training in order to successfully complete the program. In my experience, this is a bit like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.